Wednesday, April 9, 2008

E-mail Encouragement: Going Far

Ever been in a hurry? Sure you have. We all have. You may be behind in your schedule or behind a slowpoke. Either one, may result in being in a hurry. When you’re in a hurry you don’t want anyone or anything to slow you down. However, what about the journey between point A and B, did you get a chance to see it and/or enjoy it? Think about it as you read this week’s quote...

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

What about in the church? Does it pay to go fast and alone or go far and together? As we go alone we don't get the opportunity to enjoy the journey together. As we go together, we get to enjoy each other's company, be "picked up" when we're worn down, and revel in each other's victories.

What a privilege we have to be a part of a team that aims to work together to make sure that we all arrive at the finish line together!

Anticipating how far we can go!

Serving Him ~

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