Monday, October 27, 2008

Come to the Cross

As there are many benefits to working for the US Postal Service, one of the drawbacks, for those that are carriers, are back problems. My brother-in-law is one such person. He has had back problems for a while now and continues to work for the Postal Service. Carrying the mailbag for a good amount of the work day would create fatigue at the end of each day. It is probably a huge relief to come in from the day and set your bags down. However, you have to turn around and do it all again tomorrow!

Yesterday, we looked at the idea of coming to the cross. When we come to the cross we need to lay our burdens/worries/anxieties down and leave them there. It doesn't matter what our past is like, there is always room for one more. As we look back on this lesson, here are some applications to choose from...
  1. Give it up! Each of us have concerns on our plate. You may have started out today with a list "a mile long" of things that you have to get done or are thinking about. Did it make you look forward to the day? Some of the things that are on your list may not be things you can control. Those are areas that we definitely must leave at the Cross for Jesus to take care of. Don't be like the mail carrier and pick it up the next day...leave it at the Cross!
  2. After a long time of carrying something we get thirsty. After you've laid your cares/burdens/anxieties down at the Cross, you will need a "break". At this break you can drink...the water of life. As a way to aid in not trying to pick up your baggage again, you need to be in prayer with Him. This will occupy that time that you previously would have used to "carry the baggage". Find something, if not prayer, to occupy your time that helps you spend that time with Him - listen to music, read a book, etc.
  3. unLimited Openings! I've had times when I was trying to find a place to eat, just to pull up to one that was very full. The waiting time was over 20 minutes, sometimes an hour. Some of those I waited at, while others I passed by to find another restaurant. That same concept may be what is keeping you from going to the Cross. You think that you are just a number and there isn't room. Friends, that just isn't so. There is UNlimited openings at the don't delay...GO!!!
The Cross is a place of rest...where Jesus takes on our sins and burdens, so we don't have to. This week, enjoy rest as you take things and dump them off at the Cross! Enjoy a "lighter" week!

Taking Several Trips to the Cross...

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