Monday, March 9, 2009

(the) Resurrection - John 11:25

I saw on the news that today marks the 50th Anniversary of the Barbie. Girls, over the past five decades, have collected and played with this fashionable doll. She has gone through changes through the years, both with fashion and with looks. Will she ever "die" out? Will the Barbie doll be here continually?

Jesus' friend, Lazarus, dies. Jesus has the power to save him or to let him remain "asleep". Jesus tells the sisters, "I am the Resurrection...". Jesus has the power and exercises that power to lift up his friend from the dead. To let him breathe, again. To let him walk, again. To let him hug and converse with his sisters, again. Jesus makes this profound statement and proves that He is THE Resurrection when He comes out of a grave of His own a little while later.

Yesterday, as we looked at our second part to this series, we examined the concept of Jesus being the Resurrection. Here are some additional applications to choose from to use this week...
  1. Take a step in the direction of giving life to what has no life - be it a hobby, joining a club, rekindling romance, improving work life.
  2. Pray about what is needing resurrected - or pray for wisdom to be revealed what is dead.
  3. Die to self, so selflessness can be resurrected
  4. Take the message to someone who needs Jesus and needs to be "resurrected".
  5. Praise God for the awesome marvel of Jesus being able to overcome all odds and come out of that dark and lonely grave, why? For you and me, friend! He wants us to be with Him again, since sin separated us.
Is there something in your life that is dead and needs to be resurrected? Something that has lost life, vitality, or interest? He is the one who can bring it all back. Give your life to Him and see what life is like being resurrected!

Enjoying being resurrected...

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