Monday, October 12, 2009

Bowing Before Battle (1) - Joshua 5:10-15

In America we are not accustomed to bowing; especially to any authority figure. Our American attitude of "supremacy" (for lack of a better word) causes us to be self-righteous when it comes to thinking about bowing. Even in the religious context, in America, we'd probably think it was a bit odd to see someone getting down on one's knees to pay homage to someone of royalty or deity.

Regardless, bowing is showing respect toward a person/being. Sometimes that person/being may have authority over you or, simply, that you are showing respect to them.

As we journey through Joshua, it is interesting here that as soon as this 'man' told Joshua who he was, that Joshua went to the ground to bow and worship. There wasn't any sense of delayed time, it was immediate.

As we reflect back, here are some applications to choose from to use this week...
  1. Posture - When you are trying to really talk to someone, seeking an engaged communication, the posture of the person will determine their degree of interest. Slouching and/or agitation shows their attention is probably not with you. When you are approaching God, think about your posture and how engaged you are as you talk to Him and listen to Him.
  2. Limitations - BUSY BUSY BUSY! Life pulls us so many different directions. Add on responsibilities and kids, and that just puts a few more tugs in there. In order to get away for even a minute, you have to consciously make that decision, taking time, in prayer, to get ready for a situation that lies ahead. Limit what is going on so that you can be more free in your approach toward Him.
  3. Attitude - As you are reclining toward God, make sure your attitude is where it should be. Not on the time, not on self, but on Him. On taking your praises and requests toward Him. Maybe even taking your general thoughts and adoration to Him. You are not getting down on your knees or bowing your head, even, for His sake, but because you've humbled yourself toward Him.
  4. Considerations - It is a humbling experience to consider all the things that God has done. All your life experiences that He has allowed you to experience, both high and low. Even the decisions He's allowed you to make. To me it is astounding to reflect on these experiences. Even in the "valley" days, to me, God is STILL good, all the time!
  5. Environment - With some similarities to limitations, where we situate ourselves when we are approaching God has a lot to do with our ability to draw near to Him. For you, it could be in the country on a dirt road, in your car, away from 'noise'. It could be in the shower as you start or end your day. It could be at a park during your lunch hour. It could be in your classroom/office when no one else is around. As you seek to approach Him, seek out a good place to allow your mind to be as focused as possible.
As you recline toward God, think about the "P.L.A.C.E." you are at and how it affects your ability to get close to Him.

If you are getting ready for a situation in the future, approach Him before that situation comes about. Even if you don't know about a situation, maybe you need to approach Him to get ready for an "unknown" situation.

When God approaches you...will you do as Joshua did and "fall down in awe" or pass up the opportunity? Get ready, He's going to be approaching you sooner than you may realize!

Looking forward to that interaction...

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