Monday, September 6, 2010

Lighting Up a Life

My birthday is always a pivotal point in the year.  That day is the longest day of the year, regarding light, which means, after that day, the daylight will start to decrease. As a person who’s always enjoyed summer evenings, it is nice to have daylight longer.  Last night, it was getting pretty dark around 8:30 PM.  Soon that time will be closer to 6:00 PM, as we get closer to December 21st. It is nice to enjoy the light!

Sunday, we focused our time on being light to the world, from Matthew 5:14-16.  YOU are challenged to be a light to others.  YOU are a lamp to guide them.  YOU are not to be hidden. People are to see you and glorify your Father in heaven.

Light comes in all shapes and sizes and powers.  Light serves one basic purpose, but is applicable in many instances. Light can me comforting, annoying, and/or necessary.  Light needs to be positive because if being a light to someone comes across as a negative it will turn someone off quickly. As we think about the lesson, here are some applications to choose from to use this week…

  1. Light Their Path Not Their Past ~ Mistakes are not something that people brag about, nor do they like to have brought to the surface.  Sure, it is good to acknowledge things in your past, but to have it be “highlighted” is something totally different. When you are a light, make sure you are helping them see the future as bright, not pointing out their past, it can be uncomfortable.
  2. Drawn to vs. Deterred From ~ When life is tossing you back and forth, you look to find someone who is going to be a “safe place to land”.  Similarly, boats on the ocean look for that light that is associated with land to mark where safety exists. Make sure that people are able to see your light, so don’t hide it.  You never know when someone is going to need that “safe place to land” or that gives hope to the hopeless.
  3. Be a Light of Comfort ~ Shining light in someone’s eyes can be very uncomfortable.  It is that “too much too soon”.  It exposes who someone is in the dark that they are living in. Dark may not be “sin” but could be simply “alone”.  If someone is involved in sin or, simply, alone, coming in to their life with a big beam of light is going to be uncomfortable.  Take your time and let people see your light, just not in an uncomfortable way.

Just like lights come in all shapes and sizes, we also come that way.  Different lights are made for certain functions. Therefore, as “lights” we are made for certain functions. Presume that your function is perfect for each person you meet.  Use your light to its potential!

Looking forward to lighting up a life every chance I’m given!


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