Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Mission of Life

A few years ago, my wife and I went to a local concert together. It was held at one of the local churches, so to be supportive and hear Christian music I was interested in going. My wife and I like the Contemporary Christian genre of music. This was Southern Gospel and advertised as “Gaither-like” music. I was a bit torn but wanted to be supportive.

I was somewhat excited to go, she was being supportive to me. We seated ourselves and waited for the event to begin. From the very beginning it was dreadful. It just wasn’t the type of genre I was even able to handle. About midway through the first part, I communicated that I wanted to leave at intermission.  She couldn’t have agreed more!

So, at intermission we left and it was great to get out of there! That brings us to this week’s quote…
In order to succeed, life must be a mission not an intermission. ~ Unknown
Intermission is a time of pausing, which means not moving along with the show. If we treated life, as a whole, like one big pause, we’d arrive nowhere. Pausing along the way is good, but to stay “paused” is not good.

Life is in constant motion. Hopefully in a forward direction. A mission has a goal; an intermission does not. A goal shows there is an endpoint to strive toward, not just a point to remain.

Be in motion in a forward direction…keep your eyes on the goal(s) in life. Live life with a mission!

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