Monday, October 17, 2011

You Will Build It, the Question is Where?

Natural changes occur to people as they grow. Babies start to fill out. Then comes sitting up, walking, and talking. Growth spurts will take place at various times. Puberty will take place. Maturation of mind and body will happen over time. As the body ages, wrinkles, lack of eye flexibility, and gray hair comes into a person's life. We cannot forget the skeletal system begins to lose some range of motion along with joint pain.

People will go through these stages at various times. Some may not experience all of them, but they are common. One thing is for sure, if you are going to go through the stages, you cannot escape them.

Jesus finishes his discussion of life lessons at the end of Matthew 7 (24-29). He has just filled them with lots of behavioral changing information. They should be thinking differently about various areas in their life, now. As he has given them all of this information, He says now do something with it. You, as the modern-day recipient, are to do something with this information. What will you do? Here are some applications to choose from to use this week...
  • Location, Location, Location ~ When it comes to real estate it is all about location. When it comes to building your life in Christ, it is also all about location. If you are building it on sandy areas, then you are going to shift, especially as life brings about situations to you that are not the most pleasant. In the end, even the pleasant things could cause you to shift. Either way, the shifting could make you weak - so build on the Rock!
  • Dig Deep ~ Luke's rendering of this scriptures in Luke 6:48 speaks of digging deep. As we set up shop in Christ we must dig deep so that we will be able to stand firm in the days of "trouble."
  • Anchors Aweigh ~ If what you are building is having a hard time staying in that rock, maybe you need to let down an anchor to keep you where you need to be. Or maybe in the meantime while you are digging deep or laying your foundation you need a place to keep you grounded. Now is the time to make sure you are firm in your walk with Him and that you can understand what Jesus wants in your life. Don't let yourself slip...drop the your on the rock.

For those who feel they have their faith secure, congratulations. However, do not underestimate the sudden coming of a disaster.

Also, this is a "figurative" location, so no matter where you are at in the world your structure will be secure if built on the rock, rather than shifting sand.

Do you need to "move?" If so, now is the time! Move from the sand to the rock...God will help you in the transition!

Remember, the question is not if you will build it, but WHERE! So where will it be?

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