This quote has been gnawing at me for a today is the day I am sending it...
"Fear does not have any special power unless you empower it by submitting to it." Les Brown
What do you have to fear when it comes to the Kingdom? Is it lack of knowledge? Is it failure? Is it not knowing where to start? What is it? Whatever your fears are, may you give them to God and allow Him to suppress them.
On Monday I wrote about some of the things that happened to me on Sunday that were "surprises". Someone responded with "aren't you going to tell us what they are?" After last night and asking a question about God working in your life lately, and getting no response I sat amazed that no one had an experience to share. I am not saying that because I wanted someone to talk just to talk, but to think that "I must have been the lucky one" that got to experience that this week.
I have had a "blown away" week!!! Why? I don't know, maybe it is because I changed a word or two in my prayers, which changed a thought pattern in my life to cause me to see things differently. The following things are not to brag about my week, just to share and to let you in on a little of my "God-work" week. Sunday, I had the privilege of seeing some students from the HS that I wouldn't have expected to see at the Graduation - it allowed me to get to know him outside of the school setting. Then, later on, someone shared something that revealed that their heart was "getting it" (the "it" being an important concept to better their life). I thought, "Go God!" Monday, after writing about Sunday, I was in my office when a gentleman who played in the Ping Pong League stopped by. We had talked about "coming to church" throughout the season. As we sat and talked and talked, we ended up having an impromptu formal evangelistic study. Chalk another one up for God! Tuesday, I received a "thank you" card from another one of the Ping Pong League participants - I was thrown aback. I didn't expect to get formally thanked from organizing the Ping Pong League. I thanked God for the note, him, and allowing the Ping Pong League to be impacting.
So, I don't know if my week has been like that because I prayed a certain way, thought a certain way, and/or looked at things a certain way, but I have had a good week! I hope that the rest of your "God-work" week can be filled with great things!
Don't forget, the National Day of Prayer service is today at the Courthouse lawn (weather permitting - otherwise at the United Methodist Church). See you all there around noon!
Seeking Him ~
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