Monday, May 28, 2007

Monday Mentionings: Remembering - Deuteronomy 8:2-3

Happy Memorial Day! I hope you all are having a great Memorial Day!

Yesterday, we focused on what Memorial Day is all about…remembering - from Deuteronomy 8:2-3. Remembering loved ones and those who’ve died in armed services, but not forgetting about what we have in Christ – the freedoms, the victories, the blessings, the forgiveness, etc. As you reflect back, think about these additional applications…

  1. Egypt was the place of slavery to the Israelites. Sin is our place of slavery. When were you led out of sin? What did it feel like? After you have been out of that “land” of slavery, do you continue to praise Him for being out of that “land” or are you getting so used to it that you have forgotten what it was like to be there? As you read this, say a praise prayer to God for delivering you from your “Egypt”.
  2. When was the last time that you were humbled? What was the method in which you were humbled? Humility helps us focus more on Him and not on us – as He is the one who provides. As you go through your week, look at life through eyes that see life as an opportunity to focus on Him and not on you. Try to keep to the forefront of your day that you are a “connector” – helping people be one “connection” closer to Jesus!
  3. Testing reveals if we’ve grasped the concept. James challenges his readers by saying that if we have faith, there will be actions that reveal that. On the flipside, faith without actions is dead (James 2:14-16). Our faith is not limited to “staying with God” but it also includes having faith that He will be with us when we see someone who needs Jesus and talk to them about Him or praying to Him about something that may seem impossible to you but knowing that He could make it possible. I have talked about praying for “surprises” – do you have the faith that you are willing to pray that and see what God will do in your life? Try it…you might like it! I know I have loved being a part of God’s “game” and seeing what’s “around the corner”!

God brought an encouraging day to me today! Through a few people…that was what I reflected back on as a few of His “surprises” that He brought my way…What were yours???


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