Thursday, August 2, 2007

E-mail Encouragement - Things Happening to You

What has been happening in your life lately? I am sure the weather (how hot/dry it is) has been a subject in your recent conversations. Hopefully, the distractions from the "ideal" weather patterns have not kept you from getting ready to "build a wall." I read a few additional chapters this week to stay ahead with the book of Nehemiah, and I have to say that there is a lot of great stuff in there. I am so looking forward to "panning for the gold" that God has put in there for me to find.

As God works along side of you and gives you opportunities to connect others closer to Jesus, I liked what this quote said...
Things are not happening to you. Things are happening because of you. ~ Anonymous

So, what "things" will you make happen "because of you"? It could be for bad, as we could complain, criticize, ridicule, gossip, etc. Or, hopefully, it will be for good, as we compliment, encourage, praise, help, smile at, etc. Maybe you can think of something else that could happen "because of you". Also, think about how someone could become closer to Jesus "because of you". How have you seen God working in your life?

Have a great rest of the week!

Serving Him ~

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