Thursday, August 30, 2007

E-mail Encouragement: Your Definition

Ever felt dampened about your abilities because of something someone else said? I remember a comment my father made to me my freshman year of high school. It definitely felt "dampening". Because of it, I didn't want it to become true. I did everything I could to prove the comment wrong. I am sure he never even thought about it after he made it, but it struck a cord with me. This leads to this week's quote...

We must not allow other people's limited perceptions to define us. ~ Virginia Satir

When we allow other people to define us, we definitely limit ourself. People's comments will generally limit or empower us. Thinking about this, we can either be the one who does not let others limit us or think about what we say as to empower others to explore their abilities. And we are continually walking the line and stepping on one side or another depending on the situation.

I hope you will view your definition of your self by listening to the empowering comments and not the limiting comments. And I hope you will be the one who empowers and not limits others.

Have a great week and I'll see you Sunday!

Continually surprised ~

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