Monday, August 4, 2008

Lifted Up

Things have been a bit rough over the past few weeks, but there are silver linings that God brings about at just the right time. This is an entry to help remind myself when things are looking down, I can look back on here and re-read. So, if you find this entry not like the others, that's OK.

Since April, the local newspaper has been running some of my blog entries to run as a column. As a way to get into peoples' lives, I thought this could be something to reach people in our community. I have no idea who reads the articles and who doesn't. However, I do know that there have been a good number of people who have told me how much they have appreciated reading them.

About a week and a half ago, I received an e-mail from someone letting me know how much they enjoyed my articles. Last week, we were getting our son his booster shots and the receptionist mentioned her appreciation; I was getting a haircut and the lady who cut my hair said that she and others had enjoyed the articles. Just today, within 10 minutes of each other, I was told by two people that they recognized me from the paper and enjoyed reading the articles.

Even in the rough patches of life, God can use you for the benefit of others and can lift you up at the same time!

1 comment:

Brad and Amy said...

I think that it is fabulous that you are able to reach out to the community in this way! - Amy