Thursday, September 11, 2008

Connections Determine Future

People you are around will tend to affect you in one of two possible ways: pull you up or pull you down. These two effects will also determine your future. By your future, I mean, the moments of your life that follow. It could be a matter of seconds to years. Unfortunately, we may not even realize the effect that a particular connection is having on us.

Have you seen how this has played in your life from examining your past? What connections have made you become better? What connections have made you become worse? This thought brings us to this week's quote...
The size of the future you actually experience will 
largely be determined by one factor: the people you 
choose to connect with. When you invite people who are 
truly committed to growth into every aspect of your life, 
your own potential for growth becomes truly unlimited. ~ Dan Sullivan
What does your future look like based on the connections you have at this moment? Are many of them tearing you down or building you up?

How about others' connection to you...are you building them up or tearing them down?

Look for people who truly build you up and make your future big. Look for those who will help you grow - in every aspect - so that you see your potential as "unlimited".

I am looking forward to seeing how big your future is going to be (let me know from time to time).

Determining the size of my future with the connections I make...


Brad and Amy said...

This is so true! Brad and I have really seen how God has intentionally brought people in our lives over the past two years who have encouraged us and lifted us up in ways we couldn't have imagined. What a blessing!

The First Lady said...

Love the quote. Great thoughts! You always give me something to think about! Thanks.