Thursday, October 1, 2009

Enjoying Your Color

Most of you have probably heard for the song "Jesus Loves the Little Children". It is a song that I have sung for as long as I can remember. The main verse that is sung mentions that whether you are "red, or yellow, black or white, [children] are precious in His sight". We normally associate this with the color of one's skin, to which it doesn't matter, Jesus loves all.

I want to take the concept of color into a little bit different direction. We all are a different color and together we make an awesome looking rainbow array of colors in this world.

We all have different skills, talents, favorites, desires, passions, education background, family background, and the list could go on. This brings us to this week's quote...
The white light streams down to be broken up by those human prisms into all the colors of the rainbow. Take your own color in the pattern and be just that. - Charles R. Brown

If you've never had the chance to 'break light' with a prism, it is really a pretty cool thing to see. What seems like just 'light' becomes red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Plus, there are variations of each one. There are more intense colors within a color and more dull colors within a color.

Our world is much the same way. The light will come down and be broken up into all of us. People made up of all types of talents, passions, desires, goals, etc.

We are not all administratively minded.
We are not all passive.
We are not all OCD.
We are not all parents.
We are not all CEOs.
We are not all miners.
We are not all artists.
We are not all musicians.
...get the point?

You are a person of color. Not pertaining to the color of your skin, but to what you are 'composed' of, inside. Sometimes you've been molded to become a certain color, people may have encouraged you to pursue something that you wouldn't have tried, so they helped you become the color you are.

Appreciate whatever color you are...whether you are red, or yellow, black or white, you are still "precious in His sight" and your color is who you are and who you are is awesome!

Enjoying my 'color'!

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