Thursday, January 21, 2010

Getting Over Hurdles

Horses are unique.  They are big and powerful can be spooked with the smallest of things.  They have to be "broken in" in order to submit to the rider.  (or is that broken down).  Horses can leap over obstacles that would amaze us. However, based on my small observation, they may not have a lot of self-esteem.  They aren't depressed or have pity parties, but they seem to need a lot of coaxing.  They need to know that things are going to be alright before they can perform.  I gather this conclusion because I've seen horses run up to a barrier and just stop, sometimes knocking the rider off.  The barrier they stopped at is easily able to be jumped over.  It is not difficult in the least, however they stop.  Oddly enough, they may work up the ability to make it over that one, but then there is another one waiting around the next turn.  

People, too, can exhibit that type of behavior.  We come upon some type of obstacle or difficulty and we stop.  It is almost always something we can easily "jump over".  We've been created with the ability to do it, but we just refuse to jump.  Been there? I have.  This sets us up for this week's quote...

You have to find something that you love enough to be able to take risks, jump over the hurdles and break through the brick walls that are always going to be placed in front of you.  If you don't have that kind of feeling for what it is you are doing, you'll stop at the first giant hurdle.  ~George Lucas
Hurdles, brick walls, and other obstacles are in our way every day.  They can take on many forms.  Sometimes they are actually formless in the sense that they are self-induced obstacles that we must overcome.

Do you love what you are doing to the point of jumping over the hurdle?  Or do you dislike it to the point that you may be going full force, but you will stop at the first obstacle that you come to?

If your week is incorporated with obstacles, risks, or hurdles, take the risk and jump...Go on, you can do it!

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