Thursday, January 14, 2010

Which Defines You: Past or Future?

As much as people aspire to win championships, the thrill is short-lived.  The memory to few will be there for a much longer period of time, but to the overwhelming majority, it will dissipate.  I am a fan of particular teams. However, I do not remember everything about each team, each year. Even when a sportscaster will talk about previous seasons, I will think "oh, yeah" as I recall the memory.  However, I didn't remember it up to that point all on my own.

My past has some spots in it that I'd like to forget.  Growing up can be hard.  However, if I left it up to my past, I'd probably be still at the same place I was then.  However, the past is the past and the future lies ahead.  That brings us to this week's quote...
Your past is not your potential. In any hour you can choose to liberate the future.  ~ Marilyn Ferguson
I am glad that I had some life-changing moments where the past could be left there, for the most part.  I am thankful that my future is what I make it. Having a liberated future allows me to look forward to the future and to live each day with a fervor because I am not bound by the past but liberated by what the future holds.

Join in with me in looking forward to what the future holds!

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