Monday, March 8, 2010

"I Give Up!" - Introduction - Luke 14:28-33

Giving up is something that comes easy when it involves something you do not care that much about.  Maybe it is because you lost your passion/interest in the area, so you decide to just give up.  There are factors that may contribute to the losing of interest.  Maybe it is because you thought you weren't good at doing something, so you gave up.  Maybe it is because you had been absent from your routine (going to a group gathering) so you gave up.

On the flip side, giving up is more difficult when it is something that you are more passionate.  Going on a "diet" could be difficult because you feel you must give up all the foods you used to like.  Quitting smoking, quitting drinking, or the cessation of drug use may sound good on the surface, but it is quite difficult to do when it comes to actually following through with it and sticking with the commitment.  Giving up on sedentary a lifestyle can be very difficult to give up as you have to take time to exercise, especially when your schedule has a hard time allowing you to fit in the exercise regimen.

Yesterday, we began a series called "I Give Up" where I challenged the people to think of something that they would be willing to give up, that was important, but wouldn't make them "moan and groan".  It is to try to realize that the void is to allow you to cause you to be drawn closer to Him.  Whether that void is described as not doing a certain activity or choosing not to eat something, let it be something that you can use to connect with Him.  Here are some applications to choose from to use this week...
  1. Choose ~ First of all, you must decide what you will "give up" that falls under the parameters of "important, but won't make you moan and groan".  You are not doing it for others' benefit, but your's.
  2. Pray ~ Whether or not it is that difficult, pray that you will be able to use this discipline for the purpose it was intended.  You will probably be a bit distracted throughout the time because you will be drawn to the thing you have given up, but use the times you are thinking about it to pray, as one option.
  3. Encourage ~ Do you know of someone else that is participating in this discipline?  Take time to pray and encourage them as the go through the journey (even if you aren't participating).
  4. Brainstorm ~ Think of alternatives from this discipline.  What can you do instead?
  5. Don't give up ~ Sounds a bit like the opposite of the intent, but the point is that even if you mess up (hopefully accidentally) to keep up with it.  Don't quit the discipline even if you may make the occasional mistake.
Here are some options besides food to give up:
  • Cell phone Usage - Certain time of day to turn off, unless emergency
  • Profanity, Complaining, Gossiping - Watch your tongue - the little thing can do lots of damage!
  • Internet Usage - Certain time of day to do something else or stay away from game sites (or worse)
  • Television usage - Turn off either certain hours or days/nights so you can do something else
Maybe you can think of others. If so, please leave a comment with your idea.  I am looking forward to the journey to see what happens as I journey through this discipline.

You can also leave comments throughout the month to see how things are going as you journey through the next few weeks of this discipline.

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Kevin said...

I like this Ideal. I am giving up 3 hours of tv on tuesday. My fav. shows are on this night. With GOD's help I can use this time for something more usefull, Like spending time with my family.

Unknown said...

Kevin ~ I cheer you on! I'll be praying it works out like you intend!