Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Industrial Inspiration: Refueled, Refocused, & Rejuvenated

Living things exert energy and require energy in order to continue to function.  Your business doesn't run itself, certain energies are required to be put into it so that it will keep running.  You, indiviually, require sustenance in order to continue functioning. Sometimes that sustenance is not measured in calories.

This week, I have the opportunity to go to a workshop within my line of work.  I try to attend every year and was one of the speakers last year.  I also am involved with the designing of the logo, some years.  Regardless, it is the fuel for my year. It is an awesome time to see people I haven't seen and to be "fed" with information that helps me in my profession.

I remember when I worked as an instructor at a college that I didn't like the first-of-the-year inservices. They seemed like a waste of time.  It didn't help that most people thought the same.  Maybe you approach workshops, inservices, etc., your line of work the same way.  I challenge you to think differently.  Imagine if your company was to launch something new and innovative, be it an invention or a marketing campaign, and you didn't make it because you deemed it not important enough.  Think of what you'd miss out on.  You'd be in the dark!

Some of you do work individually at your job.  When this is the case, you definitely need to consider going to events that will help you be refueled, refocusd, and rejuvenated. (In the meantime, this newsletter is designed to help you in those areas)

Just like the human body will tire out if not replenished with nutrients, so will your career.  Continuing Education Units keep you "in the loop" but they also keep you refueled for the future.  So, whenever you can make to gatherings that will enhance your job, take advantage of it.  Who wants to let their battery die out and let their career suffer? I hope no one.

Don't let your battery die.  Recharge your batteries by being involved in events that will help you become refueled, refocused, and rejuvenated so you can "keep going and going and going"!

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