Monday, May 31, 2010

“Missed It By That Much”

How often have you “missed it by that much”?

If you didn’t hear the sermon Sunday, you probably already know where the phrase was made popular…”Get Smart”.  You would hear the character played by Don Adams say to the Chief or Agent 99.  It may have been used by making up the excuse of letting the villain get away by “that much”.

Yesterday, we looked at a small section of text in the first chapter that pertains to Joseph.  For one, he learns of Mary being pregnant and is planning on trying to “resolve the matter quietly”.  For two, he is given the chance to have a “re-do” and doesn’t follow through with this, but instead, he stays with Mary and, eventually, Jesus.  Here are some applications to choose from to use this week…

  1. Look for More ~ It can be easy to go in to a restaurant and have “tunnel vision”.  By that, I am meaning that you come in, you are seated, you look over the menu, you order, you receive your food/beverage, you consume, you pay, and you leave.  Where can you fit sharing Jesus in there? What about with the waitperson?  You don’t have to be real “churchy” with them, you could silently pray for that person.  You could ask God to open up the opportunity. You could ask to know if you need to talk to that person or someone else in the restaurant.  You could ask the waitperson how their day is going or if you sense it is not going well, leave a good tip and note of encouragement.
  2. Stop Procrastinating ~ I used to have a book by a series called “Sweet Pickles” that was titled “I’ll Do It Tomorrow”.  It was all about procrastination, which I became very good at as I grew up – the book didn’t help me!  Too often things are put to the back burner for another day.  Too often that day becomes like the same sides of a magnet approaching each other – they repel.  So, the next day becomes the next becomes the next, etc. and we may never get around to getting it done.  Is there someone you’ve been wanting to visit with about their salvation?  Are you waiting for a “just right” moment, of which will probably never come?  Don’t delay…do it today!
  3. Aim Smarter, Pull the Trigger Slower ~ You are out hunting and you have hit the jackpot on the game that you are trying to aim for.  You cannot believe this shot, the closeness of the game you are aiming at.  You get out your weapon. You are trying to aim perfectly but your anxiousness is causing your weapon to bounce.  Slow down!  Take a second to calm yourself so you can aim smarter.  Carefully aim, hold back any anxiousness so that you can have a better shot at aiming. Someone is asking you about your church and you cannot believe it!  What do you say?  Are you bold or hesitant…calm your anxieties and “pull the trigger slowly”!

Don’t miss the opportunities by “that much”…pay attention! Measure twice, cut once. is a popular phrase in carpentry.  Don’t be one of the ones that may “miss it by that much”, rather look for more, stop procrastinating, and aim smarter.

Hoping this week is one where I don’t “miss it by that much” very often!


monnu said...

This is a good information i got from here.I really liked it and this information is worth remembering.

stop procrastination

Unknown said...

Amsterdam ~

Thank you for your comments! I am glad you enjoyed the article!