Monday, March 7, 2011

Why Do I Need to Be Saved, I’m a Good Person

Why would God allow good people to not go to heaven? Good people are esteemed in society. They are sometimes given awards. Sometimes they just fly under the radar and continue to do good things. Good people may be your friends, neighbors, and relatives. Good people are everywhere. However, good is subjective. Salvation is not.

Sunday, we looked at a lesson that dealt with salvation. Specifically addressing those that are needing a nudge or two because they feel they are a good person and do not need to be baptized. Here are some applications to choose from to use this week…

  • All are “Good” ~ If I were to pick out people you interact with on a daily or weekly basis and ask which ones are “good,” you’d have your select ones that you’d put into that category. Your basis would be if they operated their life according to your “good” standard. When God made man, he said that creation was good. One time, describing it as “very good.” All are “good” because Jesus died for all people, not just the one’s who you decide are “good.” Appreciate how much God did for you this week. Say some praises to Him this week!
  • “Good” is Exterior ~ Generally the way we measure goodness is to see what they are doing with their life. How do they treat people or how they are dealing with life. Most “good” people are going to have a heart that is aiming to do what is right, even with the occasional stumble. Salvation is deeper than the heart, it is the soul of a person. What I view someone on the outside may not be what condition their soul is in. They may not be what I view as “good” but their soul is “saved.”
  • Good Will Not Get You Into Heaven ~ Jesus was asked about getting into heaven by a “good” person. Unfortunately, this person was not able to enter, at that time, because his soul wasn’t ready to commit to following Christ. Good is good but it will keep you on the earth. Salvation is the only way to arrive at the land of “no tears.”

Are you a good person – you probably are. Maybe a deeper question would be – Are you a saved person?  If the answer is “I think so” or “I hope so” or something that is not an emphatic “yes,” then you need to find out how to make it a “yes.”

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