Monday, October 3, 2011

Fruit Recognition

When I was in high school art, one of the assignments dealt with caricatures. Our assignment was to take something significant about the person and overemphasize that feature. A couple of examples: Jay Leno - chin and Tina Turner - hair. Some are more difficult to pinpoint one feature, but the point is to see something people recognize about that person and "play it up."

You can recognize certain people based on the iconic features that they possess. Some people may not have an external feature that they possess, but some other characteristic. You may know a radio personality based on their voice, and would never recognize them if you passed them on the street. You may recognize a cartoonist based on their drawings, but never be able to recognize their body or voice.

As we looked at Sunday at the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:15-20 where he identifies the fact that there are false teachers around and his audience will recognize them by their fruit. Here are some ways to look at the text and see some applications you can choose to use this week...
  • Giving Off ~ Fruit is a part that comes from a plant, which will likely have "seeds" somewhere on or within the fruit. Occasionally the fruit may not be "protecting" the seed, as when they are found in the middle of the fruit. The seed of a strawberry is on the outside and a seed of a dandelion is at one end of the umbrella-like structure, that is blown in the wind. Something to ask yourself is "what do you give off?" What are you leaving with people which they are having the seed of your faith found within? Are you giving off anything? I hope you are giving off something that points back to Christ. I hope it is taking root with people, too.
  • Bad Fruit ~ Fruit that has gone bad is not appealing to the palate. However, occasionally fruit that has gone bad may not look bad on the outside. It is not until you bite into it do you learn that it is not appetizing. By that time, it is "too late" to not taste the bad taste. May we be careful as we pick people we are going to be around - the "bad taste" of the bad fruit may not be realized till it is too late! People that have characteristics of bad behavior would fall into this, and whatever you deem as a bad behavior may be a rule to determine.
  • Investigate the Possibilities ~ Most all of us know the common types of fruits and how to recognize them. However, there are several fruits that are not as common and are harder to recognize. You would be able to recognize them if you took time to study. The same goes with people. There are lots of people out there that are good, but you must understand them to see if they are not good. Check out various fruit to see what is good and check out various people to see how "good" they are! Without the investigation we do not know who are the good fruit!
  • Be Fruity ~ May you be able to share love, joy, kindness, self-control, etc with the people you come in contact with this week.
Recognition is often found from something on the outside. However Jesus, says look a their it good or bad? Is their fruit worth picking? Something you must ask yourself...

Now it's your turn - what do you see in the post that could be added to or just thought? Respond and let me know...


Lynn Hare said...

I hope I can be more fruity to people. (Some people think I am plenty fruity already.) Sometimes my rind looks good on the outside, but there's a bad attitude on the inside. I want to "give off" good seeds to people - to fortify and encourage every day.

I've been feeling convicted lately that I need to bear the same fruit at home as I do in public. I blew it and yelled at my husband last weekend. Yikes! I went back and apologized. I think some of our fruit needs to get baked into a pie. In my case, humble pie. Pass the fork.

Unknown said...

Lynn ~

You touched on something that I am just short of saying "know" that we do...bear more fruit outside the home than inside.

It is like we have a "turtle tree" and draw in our branches when we come in and put them out when we leave.

However, be fruity, be fruity!!! Thanks for your comment!