Thursday, January 19, 2012

Don't Play Small

Strengths are found in all of us. We have strengths that are valuable. Some of these may be categorized as a talent, but some are simply just a strength. We also have weaknesses. Some weaknesses should stay as a weakness and focus on our strengths.

When you have a strength, it should be used. It should be exercised. When you use things that are beneficial or a strength of yours, you enjoy doing it and look forward to the next opportunity.

I remember not liking to read as a student in school. The more I was told to read the more I wasn't desiring to do it. It wasn't that I hated it, but just wasn't inclined to do it if I was given "free time."

We tend to settle too often because we feel we must focus on our weaknesses and not our strengths. That brings us to this week's quote...

There is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. ~ Nelson Mandela
If you simply continue to settle for less, you are not going to get anymore. What is something you want out of life that hasn't been able to be achieved?

I learned to develop a "you never know" kind of approach to many things in life. When you talk yourself out of something, you never will achieve it. But when you just go for it, because "you never know" then you you'd be amazed at what can come of it.

Go for it!

Now it's your turn...what do you wish you could have not "played small" with in the past?


Lynn Hare said...

Jarrod, great post! I wish I'd learned more about playing the guitar. I can play in just two keys, and I'm not terribly good at either. Sometimes I worship with small groups, and wish I could play the guitar like others I see.

But I love to sing and pray; I pursued those more. Seems there are more keys to do those in, anyway.

Unknown said...

Lynn ~ Thanks for the comment! I really liked the last comment about singing and praying! However, you are a step above me, I can just pray in tune :)

Unknown said...
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