Light causes shadows. Do you fear shadows? Read on...
Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light somewhere nearby. ~ Ruth E. Renkee
The system of sacrifices in the Old Testament has been referenced to being a "shadow" of what Christ does for us in the New Testament. Based on the inabilities found in the sacrificial system, it would be easy to "fear" them. As the sacrificial system was such a system that required many, many sacrifices to be done throughout one's life.
If those in the Old Testament knew that Christ's death meant never having to sacrifice again, they wouldn't have "feared" these sacrifices. As those sacrifices simply meant that Christ (i.e. the Light) was "somewhere nearby"!
May we revel in the idea that we have the Light to "walk in" (I John 1:7) and a "light" to illuminate our path (Psalm 119:105)! So remember not to fear shadows because a light (of comfort) is nearby!
I hope you have a great end of your week!
Walking a "Lit" Path ~
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