Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday Mentionings: How's Your Health - I Thessalonians 2:17-3:10

How old are you? There are different ways to determine that. One is your mental age versus chronological age. Another is your your physical body's age versus chronological age (i.e. you may be 50 but have the heart of a 30 year old). Last, there is just our chronological age, which most of you probably thought about when I asked the question.

Our health determines how long we will live. A couple of factors in determining life expectancy are lifestyle and genetics. Our spiritual health can have the same factors. With lifestyle, even normal "church" lifestyle, we can either decide to be comfortable with where we're at and never be willing to change so we get faith "sclerosis" - our heart hardens - or we can adapt to the times and remain alive and vibrant. Genetics play a part, simply, by looking at the influence of family. What you learn growing up will factor in on how alive you are for how long. Like in actual health, you aren't destined to be like this, but certain factors increase your chances. How's your health?

Paul was not concerned with how big the congregation was or other superficial things. Rather, Paul wrote to find out about the FAITH of the Thessalonians. Not the kind of faith that asks if they still believe in God, but the kind of faith that is active and vibrant! Here are some other applications you might be able to use from the lesson...

  1. Our faith is always needing to become stronger. It could be faith in God, in our brothers and sisters, our leaders, etc. How's your faith in the church? If you are one that tends to complain first when something new is mentioned, then pray about the situation first and ask God to help you see the blessing from this new idea/concept instead of worrying about the burden.
  2. We're not going to get to know each other very well when our only contact is inside the walls of the church building. Keep it on your conscience to get together with someone outside of normal times about once a month. This will help you get to know people "deeper" than just assembly times.
  3. What has been going on in your life that is good?...that is bad? If we do not share or are not willing to share, we will not increase our faith in the church that Jesus built. The church that Jesus built wants to rejoice when you rejoice and weep when you weep. It is here to be of support, not to destroy. have things been?
  4. I was encouraged yesterday by seeing you participate with the kids in singing their songs. Thanks for showing your "happiness" and "letting your light shine!"
  5. Pray that you will be willing to ask for help, from the church, when you need a "faith fill", so that your faith will not become "moldy" or be lacking in any way. If you need something to be prayed for or something else, I would be glad to pray about it with/for you.

We're only as strong as our weakest member. If your faith is lacking, then we need to do something about it so all can be on the same plane. No one needs to be left behind!

Let me know how God has been working in your life...or even the lack of God's presence...

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