Thursday, October 25, 2007

E-mail Encouragement: Check Your Expiration Date

The other day I was subbing and amidst the conversation was a comment that went like this…”When does the time come when you can give tests and grade them without looking at any answer key because you know all the answers, huh? When does that happen?” They were discussing their years of teaching and one was planning on returning to school to get an administration certificate. I pondered that comment, never interjecting my thoughts. I was going to say something, but the conversation had already passed too far. My thought was “When you simply want your students to stay busy instead of learn and you, yourself, are no longer desiring to know more, then you will reach that point.” This brings us to this quote…

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
~ Henry Ford

When you are satisfied with your faith, then that is its peak. When you don’t stretch yourself to try something new then your limitations stay where they’re at. If you are pushing yourself beyond what is comfortable, then you will continue to grow.

If you die after you get so old, and we don’t want anyone’s faith to be dead, it is up to each one of us to keep expanding the knowledge of our faith. This will keep our church “young” even if we are chronologically growing older.

How will you keep your faith from getting old? Old faith creates moldy faith…young faith is fresh faith!

Check your faith’s “expiration date” it may need to be replaced/refreshed. Don’t let the Thief steal, kill, or destroy you and your faith!

Have a great week!!!

Checking my faith ~

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