Thursday, March 20, 2008

Breaking Through

I don't know if you've ever moved somewhere new in your life, but you probably all have started a new job where you didn't know many of the people. In either case, it takes a while for you to break in to a group or two, or even break in to individuals' lives.

One of my passions is teaching - whether it is about spiritual matters, practical concepts, or secular information - I enjoy the challenge of creating an "aha" moment for people. I have the opportunity to teach through my job as a minister, but I also get the opportunity to teach when I sub in our local schools. Sometimes, it seems, that subs are just "temporary" visitors and regular teachers may not care to take the time to get to know them.

After about 2 years of consistent subbing in the local high school, I feel more and more like I am breaking through the barriers of being acknowledged. I look forward to each time I get to sub - not for the pay - but for the opportunity of how God will use me and who I might be able to uplift that day.

With the students, it is a similar concept. Most of them know me, and my "rules" and I rarely have any "trouble" with them. I've been "high fived" and "all right-ed" upon seeing me. Usually they want to know who I'm there for.

God has opened a door for me to, literally, minister to people in our local high school, and I love the fact that I am breaking through to build some relationships with those great people.

It's nice to not be the "new kid" and be able to break through!

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