Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Better Tomorrow

If you're anything like me, when things don't go well, you tend to mull it over in your mind. The time that you "mull" will vary depending on the person and the situation. You may have doubted yourself or thought how you could have done things differently/better. Regardless, it occupies your mind more than is needed and may get in the way of how you operate. Along these lines, this week's quote reminded me to have a better tomorrow...
You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. ~ Charles F. Kettering
A relationship book I read, makes a metaphor of computer "windows" as a way of describing how women continue to think about things after they have happened. Specifically, in conflict with their spouse. The "window" cannot be closed until the matter is resolved. Guys may not operate much like this in their relationships, but I operate like this in certain situations. You just can't "move past things" until the window has been closed.

However, open windows don't allow us to "have a better tomorrow" if we think about yesterday all the time. This quote challenges me to forget yesterday, when you can, and revel in what can happen today or in the future.

Though the past may have had its setbacks, tomorrow has possibilities. Look forward to those and not worry about the setbacks!

Have a great rest of your week...Look forward to the weekend!

Working on forgetting...

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