Monday, July 20, 2009

Going Green: "BE" Vitamins - Part 2

"Be all that you can be" was one of the former U.S. Army slogans. It challenged one to do all they can do for their country, while serving in the U.S. Army. That is a tall order for us to give all we can, every chance we get.

Sometimes "being" something takes a lot of effort. We have a tendency to slack off and not give our all.

If you've played football, you know that, generally speaking, going 100% and getting hit is a lot less painful/dangerous than going part way. More people get hurt, getting hit, when they get scared and slow down.

Have you been giving your all in your daily life? I will admit that haven't been giving my all in certain areas. It usually has negative results. As you focus on yesterday's lesson, let us look at the "BE" Vitamins and see how we can apply them this week...

  1. "BE" Humble and Gentle - Do you have a tendency to think of yourself in situations? Do you take the "I'm the customer" approach and desire certain services in certain lengths of time? Maybe you need to swallow this pill. Do you take that approach in church settings and think that someone better greet you or the preacher better say something I can relate to. Maybe you need to swallow this pill.
  2. "BE" Patient - This is a "pill" I need to pop more often than I would like. Whether I'm waiting on the Lord or waiting on someone, I need this pill. Do you have a tendency to become impatient easily with people? Maybe you need this pill.
  3. "BE" Kind and Compassionate - How do you try to get your goals accomplished? Do you do it by beating your horse or by giving your horse some straw to chew on? When we have difference with people, we need to think about "feeding" them a bit rather than beat them. What can you do to help lead someone this week by feeding them?
  4. "BE" Imitators of God - Do not try to be an exact replica of God, but rather think about some characteristics that you need to swallow/absorb which will help you as you learn to imitate Him?
  5. "BE" Merciful - Jesus tells the parable about the servant that was not able to pay back the large sum, but demanded the small sum from someone who owed Him. God doesn't demand the repayment for the large sum of sins that we have brought about on Him. Have you ever thought about being merciful to someone who may owe you a little. Give someone mercy for something they may have done to you...God is rich in mercy - spread a bit of it around, yourself.

Our challenge may be the same as the Army slogan. Let us 'be all that we can be' as we are trying to swallow some "BE" vitamin enhanced 'pills'.

Swallowing these vitamins may be difficult, but they're for our own good!

Swallow hard!

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