Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Going Green: "BE" Vitamins - Part 3

Thank goodness for Flintstone's chewable vitamins! I remember taking those as a kid and really enjoying them. I wanted to eat more than needed. In high school, our sports team gave vitamin C tablets out to players, if they wanted them. Since they tasted so good, as a trainer, I sometimes took a few to eat throughout practice. They were good!

It was easy to take these because they tasted so good. Whereas the ones that do not taste as good, would not be taken in extra amounts. That is the way it is with some of the "BE" vitamins that we examined over the past three weeks.

Sunday, we examined how we must "BE" prepared, self-controlled, holy, and careful. These may require more to "swallow" than others do. As each person's taste buds differ, so does how one can take their "BE" vitamins; easier for some than others.

Here are some applications from this week's sermon to choose from to use this week...

  1. "BE" Prepared - There are so many things in life to be prepared for. Many, at this time, are getting prepared to go off to college. Parent's prepare for months getting ready for the arrival of a baby. Those are events that we know are going to happen. Our spiritual preparation needs to also focus on things we do not know are going to happen. When that temptation comes around the corner. When someone offends you. When the overdraft sheet comes in the mail. When someone starts talking about someone you know. Make sure you're prepared!
  2. "BE" Self-Controlled -You've probably heard the story of the officer who stopped a woman who was ranting and raving at people who weren't driving "correctly". Who, in turn, was driving very erratically. He stopped her because he thought she stole the car. Part of his reasoning was that she had Christian bumper stickers and icons on the back of her car...but she was not even close to acting like a Christian. She needed to take a self-control "BE" vitamin. When things are going awry...swallow hard!
  3. "BE" Holy - Taking time to swallow the "BE" vitamins are ways that we can set ourselves apart from the rest of the crowd. Just being kind and thoughtful to people are not always ways that may set ourselves apart. Pray that God will help you to be "holy" and set yourself apart, and still be 'normal', so that people will see you as an approachable Christian.
  4. "BE" Careful - "You may not touch that, it's dangerous" is a phrase that is said around our house a lot, because of having an 19-month old. He's at the height and capability to get into a lot of things - sometimes dangerous things. I can already tell it will be challenging to let him get further away from the 'nest' and be more independent as he grows. But he will make his own choices in life, just like you and I do. Some will be good and some bad. Just as God, the Father, lets us make choices, we must be constantly aware to "be careful". The smallest influences can wreck our life. Watch where you step!

After these different "BE" vitamins, you have a lot to be taking or to choose from, as you go through life.

Take them, not just for your "health", but to make your 'environment better' as you are working to 'go green'.

Swallowing my "BE" vitamins daily...

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