Thursday, January 28, 2010

Why'd You Get Up This Morning?

In college I had some difficult times getting up on my own.  I tried putting the alarm clock as close to my head as possible - it was on my headboard - and there were a few times I slept through it buzzing and buzzing and buzzing.  One roommate in the dorm slept below me, in the bunk bed, actually would push me with his feet sometimes to get me to wake up.  This also led me to miss some church times too, especially Bible Class (as it was first).  Since I didn't go that much, this certain year, people weren't expecting to see me, hence, I wasn't missed.

After that particular year, I started playing softball with a group in the church.  Things really changed.  I started taking an interest in them and they in me.  I started to see a "reason" for going to church assemblies, even Bible Class.  That brings us to this week's quote...

You really don't need a reason to get up in the morning! You need to be the reason other people get up in the morning!  ~ Joseph Simmons, "Rev Run"
It is easy to think that no one really cares about you - if you're there, if you're not, etc.  You're just you.  That is the problem, we think too much about ourself in regards to what is in it for me.  We should lose that train of thought and realign it to think "what can I do for others, today". 

Maybe you could be the smile in someone's day.  Maybe you could be the compliment.  Maybe you could be the held-out-hand of help.  Maybe you could be the reason other people are getting up this morning.

You can choose to get out of bed and dread going wherever you are going or you can decide to see how you can make a small difference in someone's life.  It's up to you each and every day!

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