Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Industrial Inspiration: Dissipating Snowpile

In the town where I live there is this huge snow pile.  The pile is created by the accumulation of deposited snow the City puts there, which they've taken off of the main streets in town.  Since we've had a few good snows this season, the pile is about 3 "mountain ranges" deep.  Each pile was probably around 15-feet high.  Kids love to climb up with their sleds and then slide down.  I drove by once and noticed someone made a little tunnel to slide in and out before going down the hill.  It all looked so fun that I've even thought about going over to it to let the kid in me have some fun (maybe when my 2-year old gets a little older). 

As I drive past that pile of snow quite regularly it created a train of thought in my head.  That thought went something like this, "Though that much snow is taking a long time to melt, if snow is not continually put on top of the pile, it will eventally disappear, and no one will really ever notice". 

Does your business or your position reflect that statement?  To put it into a better context, did your business start out "big" - big dreams, hopes, income, etc., but has started to dissipate?  Did you start in your position with a lot of vigor and fire, but some of that has started to dissipate?  If you don't continually add to yourself and/or your company, you will start to dwindle, like the snowpile.

We've had some 60-degree days since that snow pile was created.  Those temperatures have caused some significant melting, but it hasn't caused the pile to go away, yet.  You may experience some low times or big hits, but that doesn't have to cause your "pile" to dwindle away.  You allow your dreams to melt away.  YOu allow your fire to go out.  Outside influences do just that, influence, but they don't have to put it out, you allow that to happen. 

You probably know how to put the snow back on your pile.  You keep yourself fresh, you create new goals, you look for ways you can improve, you look to see how you can self-renew, you evaluate the competition and see how you can be distinct in your field to keep snow on your pile.  If you don't do some of those things (and probably others) your pile will slowly melt away.  Then what happens?  Will people miss you?  Will your employer find someone who will be able to replace you with someone who comes in with "lots of snow on their pile"? 

May you find a way or ways to make sure your pile doesn't melt away, regardless of the environment (which will make the actual snowpiles eventually go away).  Do all that you can to keep your snowpile from dissipating!

I love adding more snow to my pile!

(This is from a newsletter I send out to businesses each month. If your business would like to receive one, please contact me by leaving a comment)

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