Thursday, February 18, 2010

Developed Strength

Junior high was a bittersweet time. One of the sweet things about it was that I took the opportunity to try out sports, some for the first time. I was not that great and I knew that.  However, I made it a goal of mine not to quit...and I never did.  I participated in the sports for social and physical reasons.  Socially, most of my male classmates went out for the sports and physically, to get exercise.  Those days, aside from sports, allowed me to develop certain strengths that started the foundation to what path I have taken as an adult.  I may have not been the strongest or fastest guy that participated, but those are not the only strengths that are important in life.

Strength can be muscular or it can be mental.  Mental strength is the most important, to me, because a giant with little mental strength is not very effective.  But a little dog with a lot of mental strength can be very effective. 

Often when you win it is builds you up, but it generally just puffs you up.  Building of muscles begins by tearing of the muscle fibers.  So, a sense of mental strength can be built up best by being torn down.  That doesn't have to include verbal abuse, but maybe learning life lessons once in a while.  That brings us to this week's quote...
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength." ~ Arnold Schwarzenegger 
Competition can be difficult for those that are not ready to handle it.  I can't say there is a certain age when that is supposed to take place, but there are pros and cons to competition, as the world is competitive.  
You've probably known of a team or individual that bounced back from defeat to do really well in something.  I am thinking about the movie The Karate Kid.  The New Jersey boy that moves to California goes through struggles in his new home and high school before developing the strength needed to win.

Winning or getting your way is not always the best avenue to take in life.  I wish no one struggles or hardships, but if you do experience them, see to it that you use it to your advantage to develop the strength needed to do well in life.

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