Are those we love not going through their day unprotected, based on what you can be doing? Which is, at most, praying. Petitioning to God that He watch over them and their situations today. I hope you are putting the people you love in the hands of God.
Yesterday, we looked at a couple of instances of Abraham and Sarah where they both left each other unprotected and in a vulnerable situation. We need to remember to not leave our spouses or anyone we care about, unprotected as they go through their day. Here are some applications to choose from to use this week...
- Realize People are Unprotected ~ You may not have thought about your spouses, kids, or your friends being unprotected in the destination they were heading to today. However, they probably were and why take a chance on them being left unprotected.
- Kids at School
- Peers - as they talk about what they did over the weekend and possible "fun" they had.
- Boyfriend/Girlfriend - staying pure and choosing a person to date, wisely.
- Cheating - so they won't want to take the easy way out of getting assignments done or not studying well enough and being tempted to look off of a neighbor's paper
- Be an example to others, being willing to walk away from certain dangerous situation
- Any cell phone use, hopefully not at school, will be used for clean communication, not gossip, demeaning, crudeness, or sexting.
- Work
- Co-workers - Won't be tempted to get emotionally or physically involved
- Supervisors - They will be able to handle situations with integrity and sophistication
- Customers - They will be able to handle confrontations well, Keeping interactions completely "business"
- Business trips - Loyalty to the people you love
- Public
- Driving - Alertness of yourself, safety from other driver, car operating properly
- Shopping - Keeping your eyes in check - other people, magazine pictures, gossip papers
- Home
- Television - both is seen and heard - even to the point that you will not fall victim of impulse buying during "infomercials" or shopping channels, etc.
- Computer - Adults and kids are all possible victims of some kind of online porn - doesn't have to be visual. It can also be "soft" porn. Online predators. Social media - possible problems with seeing/posting bad comments/pictures.
- NOTE: Not all of these are going to be where the person you are praying for is the one doing the wrong thing. They call be reversed where the person you are praying about is being preyed upon.
- Pray for People Who are Unprotected ~ Is someone you know being involved in one of those general areas listed in #1? Probably everyone in your household is involved in those sometime today. Pray for them!
- What price would you pay? - Identity theft has become a pretty big deal over the past decade. People go to great lengths to make sure they're protected. What would you do if someone started using your identification numbers? You'd probably panic a bit at first. Well, you could solve a good number of your worries with protection by just taking them to the ultimate Protector...God. Let Him know your issues so that He can protect you and your loved ones.
Can you continue to add to the pledge of "I Don't"s by saying "I don't want you to be unprotected"?

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