If you don’t set a goal you won’t have much to focus on. That is one of the main reasons for setting goals – to have focus. Without focus one will be going back and forth to one task and then to another, without getting either of them completed.
You could be one that sets goals and accomplishes them pretty easily or you could be one that has several goal setting tasks going on at once. As important as goal setting is, this week’s quote caused me to think about a logical part of goal setting that I had never considered. Here is this week’s quote…
The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get. ~ Jim Rohn
The journey you experience on your way to accomplishing the goal is going to be more valuable than completing the goal. That is super logical. If you think about it and the victories and failures that you experience from point A to point B are going to teach you invaluable lessons. There are going to be times when a small victory will come quickly and easy. Where as there will be failures that will be figured out after a lot of groundwork was laid.
I currently have a situation where I have taken apart every possible part and the mechanism still doesn’t seem to work correctly. I don’t know if the end result will be figuring out the problem or buying a new piece of equipment. However, part of the value in the project has been being able to learn about the mechanics of the product.
I dare not suggest that anyone avoid setting goals. One thing I do suggest is that you will look forward to the journey and the value that comes from going from point A to point B.
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