Monday, February 28, 2011

“IF”–You Give Everything But Do Not Have Love

Ever heard the phrase, “attitude is everything”? It is generally used in situations where you are being inspired to do better – sporting event, scholastically, etc. Regardless, there is a lot of truth and depth to the phrase. There are tasks that I enjoy doing, but I have to be in the right frame of mind to do it because it is all about attitude.

When it comes to giving – money or yourself – that phrase also holds true. What is your attitude toward giving? Are you protective-conservative, protective-generous, or just generous?

Sunday, we looked at the last part of this series that dealt with giving all you have – possessions or yourself – but not giving it in love. One that gives, but in a showy or attention-seeking manner, gives without exhibiting love. Here are some applications to choose from to use this week…

  • Why Give? ~ People have been made to feel guilty to give. Some feel cornered and there is no way out. Some prepare to set aside so much money to give to people/causes. There are so many worthy causes to give to in this world. Someone, some thing, somewhere need you – whether it is your money or your time/talents. May we take the time to think about why we’re giving. May the reason be as pure and caring toward the cause (not toward you) as possible.
  • Give More ~ Just when it seems that there is nothing else to give, if you dig deep enough you will find that there is. The “extra” may not be in monetary value, but it would be measured in your time or talents. Look for ways to give a little extra to something else you feel passionate about.

Doing things out of guilt or obligation are not the means to be able to show love. Giving out of love is the only way to show love. It may sound simple but keep in mind attitude is everything!

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