Thursday, November 1, 2012

Limit Your Planning

Planning in life can have its good parts but also can have its bad. I have areas in which I am flexible, but there are also parts of life which I might be described as inflexible. I have a side of me which I like to have things go a certain way each day. You may narrow it down to "as planned." But there is also a side of me that enjoys some unplanned things. Of course those are subjective so I may prefer some and not prefer others.

Even though a side of me is resistant to being flexible, another side looks forward to the possibility of interruptions. I have had days where God through me a curve ball and I had to switch gears very quickly. Those are the days when I look forward to what He might be sending me. There have been some very interesting curve balls thrown at me through the years. What have you experienced in the "unplanned" department? That brings us to this week's quote...
We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ~ Joseph Campbell
Trying to hold on to the planned in life can be dangerous and wearisome. It binds us to where we are at. If we have our minds ready for the unplanned, then we have a sense of freedom which we can go about life without being confided or holding on to the plans and seeing what God will bring our way.

As you go about today, tomorrow, or next week, you may have to plan out certain parts of your day but be ready for the interruptions and unplanned things that are going to come about. You never know what is waiting for you up ahead...God might have something super exciting for you!

Now it's your turn...what do you like or don't like about God bringing unplanned things your way?

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