I can remember several nights in preaching school where I would stay up late preparing for an exam. I would use multiple ways of studying to help me remember the subject matter. There have also been nights that I have worked through being tired to accomplish tasks for work. Those tasks were not even "last minute" but simply because I get a lot of ideas at night.
There are also times where I see the end coming up when I have been exercising and will push through to get to the end - to cross the line or hear the timer beep. It was challenging but the end is exhilerating!
When I would cause my mental capacity to be stronger than my physical I knew I could do it! That brings us to this week's quote...
I have always believed that anybody with a little guts and the desire to apply himself can make it, can make anything he wants to make of himself. ~ Willie Shoemaker, Horse Jockey and TrainerSome days there are going to be times when the physical side is more submissive to the mental side. In other words, it may be easy to push through your fatigue or lack of interest. Where as others are going to be the opposite. You are going to have to have your mental state climb high to become higher than your physical.
Of course, there are other areas that are not simply physical where you must climb high with the mental. Maybe it is an area like forgiveness, that you must work through some obstacles in order to allow yourself to release the weight you're holding on to daily. Another area may be spiritual. You are having lots of doubts in one or more areas of your spiritual belief or state. You are going to have to challenge yourself to work through and find what you need to achieve the belief that you're hoping for.
As you go through life, remember that the mental can be stronger than the other areas of your life. This will allow you to beat the odds when you are trying to accomplish things in life.
Now it's your turn...What areas in your life are you needing the "mental" to rise up so that you can make something of yourself?