NOTE: This is from a sermon that was supposed to be delivered the end of December (2010), but due to illness I was unable to deliver it at that time.
I was given a gift certificate as a “thank you” for some help I had provided. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find the gift certificate. It could be “hidden” or it could’ve been shredded in a big pile of junk mail when we had a “shredding party.” Either way, at this time, I cannot make use of the gift certificate.
Being given this gift certificate and not making any use of it can be similar to not taking advantage of the gift of Jesus. If I never use that gift certificate, it will be of no value other than hidden value. If I never use the value of what Jesus brings to my life then it is nothing more than hidden value, too.
Sunday, we looked at the last of “The Package” series. This one focused on using the package. When we order a package, wait for its arrival, and unveil it after it is opened, if we do not use the package, it does not do us any good. Our faith can be much the same way, it needs to be used. Here are some "uses” to choose from to use this week…
These are some of the ones that I mentioned on Sunday…
1. When at a service station one can say to someone pumping gas as they hand them a card with church info on it, "I would like to give you something to add fuel to your life.
2. Prayer walking
3. One of the best ways to share your faith is to demonstrate the very things you believe by staying positive and having a good attitude even in the middle of a crisis in your own life.
4. Understand your culture
5. View evangelism as a process rather than an event
6. Finding a person’s spiritual address – where they’re at in their walk
7. List all the lost people you know and pray for them daily.
8. Do not forget to share your testimony and the gospel with the children or grandchildren in your family. This is witnessing, too, and of the most urgent kind.
9. When at a hotel. Write your contact information on it, too.
10. Pray with someone over the phone.
11. Take a plate of home-baked cookies or a pie to a new neighbor. Include a note of welcome to the neighborhood, a New Testament, and church info.
12. Write a letter to your personal physician thanking him for his care. Include an acknowledgment of the Great Physician.
13. When given an assignment that is open-ended to write about, include things that are vital to your faith
14. Reach out to someone who is alone (or seems like they are)
15. Tell someone you’re praying for them, follow up on the area you were praying about
16. If you pray at public meals, ask the server if there is anything you can pray for about them
17. Tell telemarketers that you will give them some of your time if they will give you some of yours to share your faith. Or someone who comes to the door soliciting.
18. When making a list to go to the store, don’t forget to put down “watch for someone I can talk to about Jesus” on there
Making use of the “package” will strengthen our faith and make us more excited to share Him. However, not exercising the usage of the “package” can cause our faith to weaken. Let’s make the most of the gift we’ve been given!