What a great Monday! First of all, the weather this weekend was gorgeous! I was able to be outside at different times, especially at night, and really enjoyed taking in the nice temperatures.
I loved telling you all about our big "surprise" that God brought our way. It is a testimony to God bringing you something when you ask for it!!! It had been just a few weeks before when I shared about having a surprise, and He definitely brought one!!! So, sometime around the end of the year, we'll have Baby Spencer!!!
The sermon yesterday was for us to all remember to "continue on with what you've learned and been convinced of", from II Timothy 3:14-15. It was kind of a "mortaring" sermon, in that it is a sermon to just add a little to your foundation of faith...
1. It is fascinating to think that scripture is "God-breathed". To think that all these words were told to these men by God. I envy their ability to be able to have that connection with God...don't you!? However, we forget that we have that a connection with God too, as the Holy Spirit is right here with us at all times. It is an amazing gift - the same Spirit who ascended like a dove, lives inside us! WOW! Praise God today for that gift!
2. I would guess that one universal thing that all receiving this can relate to is dieting. You know what it means to try to resist eating certain foods. Fleeing things that our "individual" flesh finds appealing can be difficult. However, Paul tells Timothy to flee the "youthful passions". Today and/or this week, keep in mind things that are appealing to your "individual" flesh, that is or has potential to be sinful - gossip, imagery, language, television, internet, etc. - and flee from them - followed by a prayer (either for forgiveness of being involved too long or thanksgiving for allowing for the escape).
3. When something is important to you, you will do all you can to make sure that it doesn't leave your possession (even if it is packed away). You may have many Bibles (I just counted 15 that I have in my office), though we have one or more, we must keep in mind the words that are in them and how they provide victory to our lives. Don't ever lose faith in the usefulness of the words in your Bible.
Yesterday was great! I pray that you will have a week of "surprises"!!!!! (Have you had any surprises to share...?)