Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Challenge is Set

There was a game that was played when I was a youth.  The game was quick.  The game involved a group of people with a task presented before them and they would all say "not it".  The last one to say the phrase was THE one to be assigned to do the task.  Obviously it was a task that was not desired, otherwise people wouldn't have been saying "not it". 

Throughout the month of February, there have been a series of sermons couched around the phrase "I Don't".  We looked at "I Don't Want Anyone Else", "I Don't Want to Leave You Unprotected", & "I Don't Want to Take You For Granted."  Today, we're looking at "I Don't Hear You".  Within all of these is a challenge to try to constantly live up to.  They are not "over-the-top" concepts.  They are simple and possibly, eye-opening.  Though geared toward married couples, the messages also reach out to everyone else. 

Now that you have been presented with this material, you can decide whether you are going to follow it up with "not it" or "I will".  You can hear and/or grasp these messages and see what things you can get out of them that you can use to better your relationships or you can just ignore them and bow out of any type of challenge that has been presented.

Choosing to "bow out" will be a detriment to you and those you have a relationship with.  Your spouse and you will not be as close.  Your biological family, the same; likewise, your spiritual family. 

I hope you will take time to internalize these for the betterment of your relationships and to say "I will" and strive to do what you can to live up to these challenges.  If you do stumble, don't quit, and keep working toward the goal.

Look forward to what happens when you choose to take part rather than bowing out!

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